Best Jokes (99)

A guy is sitting at home when he hears a knock at the door. He opens the door and sees a snail on the porch.

He picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can.

Three years later, there’s a knock on the door. He opens it and sees the same snail.

The snail says, β€œWhat the hell was that all about?”

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It is said regarding motivation that β€œthe first step is always the hardest”.

As someone with plantar fasciitis, I could not agree more.

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What do you call a chilly dog sitting on bunny?

A Cold dog on a bun.

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Why did the blonde throw her doll on the grill?

She heard it was a Barbie-que.

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Why did the sun not go to college?

Because it already has a million degrees!

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People who say β€œGood morning” should be forced to prove it.

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What do you call Harry Styles without any hair?


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Why was the book of incantations useless?

Because the author failed to do a spell-check.

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What does the Elf on the Shelf use to write with on the blackboard?


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What do the New York Yankees and pancakes have in common?

They both need a good batter!

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Yo mama’s so stupid she thought Fortnite was fork night.

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Did you know that porcupines are one of the smartest animals on Earth?

Yeah, that’s right, science has proven them to be pretty sharp.

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Many years ago Chuck Norris and a brown bear had a fight.

The loser had to go live in the North Pole.

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What did the underpaid data scientist say?

β€œI need arrays.”

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Who should be your best friend at school?

Your princi-pal!

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An employee’s monthly salary was typically 2500$. However, one month, he received 2700$ and decided to remain silent about the discrepancy. The following month, his paycheck only amounted to 2300$, prompting him to march directly to the HR manager to voice his complaint.

The HR manager, somewhat puzzled, inquired why there hadn’t been a complaint the previous month when an extra 200 had been received.

With a slight smirk, the individual responded, β€œI’m usually one to forgive the first mistake, but I simply can’t tolerate it when a second one is made.”

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Knock! Knock!

β€œWho’s there?”


β€œOwls, who?”

β€œYes, the last time I checked, they do.”

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Facebook is like a fridge.

Even when you know there’s nothing new going on, you still go on and check it every 10 minutes.

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Mooning is very ASStrological.

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I was in a taxi the other day and the driver said, β€œDo you mind if I put some music on?”

I said, β€œNot at all.”

He said, β€œβ€˜Kiss?’”

I said, β€œLet’s listen to the music first and see how we feel”

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