Your Mama So Short Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Yo Mama So Short Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Yo Mama So Short Jokes

Your Mama So Short Jokes

Your mama’s so short she sat on a coin and her feet didn’t touch the ground.

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Your mama is so short she doesn’t roll dice she pushes them.

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Your mama so short she gotta use an elevator to go up each step.

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Your momma’s hair is so short she curls the hair with a grain of rice.

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Your mama’s so short that she makes Gary Coleman look like Shaquille O’Neal.

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Your mama’s so short that she has to look up to look down.

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Your mama’s so short that she does pull-ups on a staple.

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Your mama’s so short that she can play handball on the curb.

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Your mama so short she sleeps in a mini house.

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Your mama so short she needs a ladder to touch the ground.

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Your momma’s so short she can bungee-jump off a curb!

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Your momma so short she is the original Q-tip.

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Your mama’s so short you can make a life-size sculpture of her using one can of Play-Doh.

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Your mama’s so short that when she sneezes she hits her head on the floor.

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Your mama is so short she has to cuff her underwear.

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Your mama’s so short that she can run track around the toilet!

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Your mama’s so short that when I was dissin’ her she tried to jump kick me in the ankle.

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Your mama’s so short that she has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.

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Your mama’s so short that she has to get a running start to get up on the toilet.

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Your mama’s so short that she can limbo under the door.

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Your mama’s so short that her homies are the Keebler Elves.

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Your mama’s so short during the election Donald Trump accidentally stepped on her and he thought he stepped on a brownieο»Ώ.

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Your mama’s so short that when she sat on the curb her feet didn’t touch the ground.

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Your mama’s so short she does backflips under the bed.

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Your mama so short she went under Trump’s wallο»Ώ.

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Your mama so short she doesn’t need the door cause she can get through the mouse hole.

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Your mama so short when she got in the car she couldn’t reach the steering wheel.

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Your mama so short she thought the cracks in the sidewalk were part of a maze.

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Your mama so short she committed suicide by jumping off the curb.

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Your mama is so small she hangs glides on a Doritos!

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Your mama so short you can see her feet on her driver’s license.

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Yo Mama Jokes: Star Wars

Yo momma’s so fat she carries her pet Bantha in her purse.

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Yo momma’s cooking is so bad Jabba wouldn’t feed it to Salacious Crumb.

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Yo mamma is so ugly that not even Ewoks will let her into their clan.

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Yo momma’s so fat she dribbled the Death Star.

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Yo momma’s so old she changed Yoda’s first diaper.

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Yo momma’s so ugly they push her face in the dough to make Ugnaught cookies.

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Yo momma’s so fat Yoda couldn’t use the Force to move her.

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Yo momma’s so fat she could put Coruscant out of orbit.

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Yo mama’s so hairy that she gets mistaken for Chewbacca’s cousin.

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Yo mama’s so dumb she thought a lightsaber has fewer calories!

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Yo momma is so fat you have to make two lightspeed jumps just to get on her good side.

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Yo mama’s back is so hairy it looks like she’s giving Chewbacca a piggyback ride.

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Yo mama so fat that they covered her and used her as a death star.

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Yo momma’s so big when she tripped in Mos Eisley she landed in Mos Espa.

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Yo mama so fat that the Sarlaac Pit couldn’t eat her!

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Yo momma so fat when she farts scientists on Tatooine think the star around Coruscant just went supernova.

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Yo mama’s so stupid Kylo Ren couldn’t force read her mind!

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Yo momma’s so hairy she looks like she has two Ewoks in a headlock.

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Yo mama is so old she trained Yada’s master in the force!

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Yo momma is so fat she makes Jabba look like Calista Flockhart.

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Yo mama’s so hairy that people run up to her and say β€œChewbacca, can I get your autograph?”.

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Yo momma’s so ugly she makes a Gammorrean seem like an attractive date.

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Yo mama so stupid Jar Jar questioned her existence!

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Yo mama’s so fat that Gardulla the Hutt had a boost in self-esteem after seeing her.

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Yo mama so fat she pooped out the Death Star!

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Yo mamma’s so fat that the Sarlacc rejected her as dinner.

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Yo mama’s so fat that even the Death Star couldn’t blow her up!

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Yo mama’s so ugly that they didn’t give her a costume when she auditioned for Star Wars.

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Yo mama is so fat she did the Kessel run instantly because she is on both sides of it.

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Yo mama is so tall the Kaminoans had to look up to see her face.

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Yo mama so fat and ugly she didn’t need a suit to play Jamba the Hutt.

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Yo mama has so much hair on her upper lip it looks like Ewoks having a party when she talks.

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Yo momma’s so hairy when she went to the movie theater to see Star Wars, everybody screamed and said β€œIT’S CHEWBACCA!”.

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Yo mama’s so fat that carbonite was encased in her.

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Yo momma’s so fat she uses Kamonians as toothpicks.

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Yo mama’s so fat and full of bush the Wookiees named their planet after her!

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Yo mama’s so dumb she thought that Jar Jar comes with pickles pickles.

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Yo mamma’s so fat she can’t go to a spaceport because x-wings keep trying to land on her back.

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Yo mama’s so fat that only half her body was able to come out frozen from the carbon freezing chamber in Cloud City.

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Yo mama’s so dumb she wasn’t looking for the droids in the first place!

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Yo mamma’s so ugly Rancors look at her and go β€œDamn, dude, she’s UGLY!”.

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Yo mama so fat Obi-Wan Kenobi said β€œThat’s no moonβ€”that’s Yo mama!”.

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Yo momma’s so black when she turned to the dark side the Sith became Jedis.

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Yo mamma’s so fat I saw her using a Star Destroyer as an ironing board.

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Yo mama’s so flatulent that she forced the Mustafarians to wear masks!

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Yo mama’s so weak-minded that I got her to lead me to Jabba without using a Jedi mind trick!

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Yo mamma’s so stupid she thought Darth Maul was a place to shop.

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Yo mama’s so fat that even stormtroopers can’t miss her.

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Yo mama’s so fat when Vader cut off her hand gravy would have come out had it not been cauterized by the lightsaber.

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Yo mama’s so hairy that when she was born she looked like Chewbacca!

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Yo mama’s so ugly that Wuher said β€œWe don’t serve your kind here”.

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Yo moma is so fat Luke Skywalker that yo moma was the Death Star.

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Yo momma’s so stupid that she thinks Jar Jar is filled with Peanut Butter Peanut Butter!

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Yo mamma is so stupid she thought a red lightsaber was a red chili and ate it.

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Yo mama’s so fat Jabba the Hutt said β€œHargh!”.

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Yo mama’s so flatulent that she forced the sand people out of a single file.

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Yo momma so ugly she makes even The Rancor cry.

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Yo mamma’s so ugly they cut her Cantina scenes in Star Wars.

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Yo mama so fat she played basketball with the Death Star.

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Yo mom’s so fat Luke couldn’t believe she wasn’t a moon!

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Yo momma’s so fat the Millenium Falcon can hide in her belly button.

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Yo mama so fat that Wedge Antilles said β€œLook at the size of that thing!”.

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Yo mamma so hairy that Han Solo mistaken her for Chewbackaο»Ώ.

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Yo mama’s so fat that she looks like Jabba the Hut before picture.

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Yo momma so stupid she thought parsec was a unit of time.

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Yo momma is so dumb she makes Gungans look smart.

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Yo mama so stupid she went to Bangkok to get a TIE fighter!

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Yo mama so hairy the only language she speaks is wookie.

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Yo mama’s so fat that the Kaminoans couldn’t use her as a host for clones since they couldn’t pierce her skin deep enough to draw blood.

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Yo momma so black she makes Lando Calrissian look like Casper.

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Yo mama’s so fat that even the Death Star orbited her before Endor.

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Yo mamma’s so fat I thought she’d have Princess Leia on a leash beside her.

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Yo momma so fat she prevents ships from going to hyperspace.

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Yo mama’s so fat her durasteel armor has stretch marks!

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Yo mama’s so fat that people on the Millenium Falcon keep saying β€œThat’s no moon”.

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Yo mama’s so fat that she caused Kamino to flood when her water broke.

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Yo momma’s so smelly it would make a Hutt smell good.

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Yo mama’s so fat that if she was thrown into the second Death Star’s reactor core, she could have blown up the entire Imperial fleet.

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Yo mama so stupid that she thought Star Wars was a war for stars.

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Yo mama’s so fat she blew up the Deathstar.

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Yo momma so dumb Jar Jar has a higher IQ than her.

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Yo momma is so smelly even Banthas want to run away from her as fast as possible.

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Yo mama’s so fat that the passengers of the Millenium Falcon mistook her for a small moon.

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Yo momma so dumb she picked Jar Jar as her ambassador.

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Yo momma is so fat The Whole Death Star can use her as a protection shield.

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You So Short Jokes

You’re so short that you need to put on stilts to drive a car to reach the pedal.

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You’re so short that you had to use a toothpick to compete in the javelin.

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You’re so short that I can’t see you behind the last remaining pea on your plate.

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You’re so short that Michelangelo could make a life-size sculpture of you with 1 can of play-dough.

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You’re so short that when you get angry at people for making fun of you, all you can do is bite their ankles.

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You are so short that you can do push-ups underneath a closed door.

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You are so short you fell from curb and nearly dies.

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You’re so short that you can save on rent by living in a doll’s house.

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You’re so short you could use a pillow as your bed and still have some wiggle room.

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You’re so short you can swing your legs when you sit on a stool.

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You’re so short you could sweep under your bed while standing.

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You’re so short you would need a lift to kiss your bride.

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Your So Short Comebacks

Thanks! I hadn’t noticed.

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I’m still taller than your IQ.

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You’re so observant, would you like me to pat you on your back?

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Yep, that’s one of the reasons why I’m so popular.

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You call it short, but I call it down-to-earth.

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Yeah, and what’s the weather like up there?

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There’s a reason that giraffes aren’t the king of the jungle.

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From my viewpoint, it looks like it sucks to be up there.

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The taller you are, the harder you’ll fall.

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If I wanted to be taller, I’d just wear higher shoes. This is the height I want to be at.

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And you resemble a pole.

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Really? Way to spot the obvious Einstein!

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Shouldn’t you be minding your business and looking out for low flying objects?

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I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesome.

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I may be short, but short people can wear heels, ugly just can’t be fixed.

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Haven’t you heard? All good things come in small packages.

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Yeah, god only lets things grow until they’re perfect.

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