Why Did Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Why Did Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Why Did Jokes

Why don’t Alpacas like singing with background music?

They prefer to sing alpacapella.

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Why did they arrest the volleyball player?

They suspected foul play.

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Why do you need six players to carry the volleyball to the game?

No one can carry the volleyball and a whole team.

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Why did the man driving a train get struck by lightning?

He was a good conductor.

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Why did the lawyer keep bringing popcorn to the courtroom?

They wanted to be a salty attorney.

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Why did the electrician marry his colleague?

He couldn’t resistor.

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Why did the optimistic electrician lose his job?

He kept on turning negatives into positives.

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Why did the vampire strike out?

He used the wrong bat.

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Why did the fruit bat eat the orange?

Because it had appeal.

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Why did the cactus join the orchestra?

Because it could play the prickle-o.

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Why did the rapper shave off his fancy mustache?

It couldn’t handle the bars.

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Why do onions have poor self-image?

Because people cry when they get onions naked.

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Why did the daddy peach teach the child peach to shave?

He was starting to grow peach fuzz.

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Why don’t women in Arabic countries need car insurance?

Because they are already covered.

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Why did the grape go to school?

To become a little wine-y!

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Why did the Spanish Inquisition yank out people’s molars?

Because they wanted the tooth, the whole truth, so help them God.

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Why didn’t the turkey bake properly on Thanksgiving?

I’ve no idea but I suspect some fowl play.

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Why did the quarterback suddenly walk off the field?

The coach told him to take a hike.

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Why did the eyeglasses walk into the classroom quietly?

They didn’t want to make a spectacle.

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Why do physics professors prefer overweight students?

They have greater potential.

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Why did the baseball player decide to shut down his website?

It just wasn’t getting any hits.

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Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?

She was afraid someone would Caesar.

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Why did the blood-sucking insect learn Latin?

It wanted to be a Roman-tic.

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Why did the policeman stop you on your way home last Thanksgiving?

Because you far exceeded your feed limit.

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Why did the turkey cross the road?

It was Thanksgiving Day, and it wanted people to think it was a chicken!

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Why did the band hire a turkey as a drummer?

Because he had the drumsticks!

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Why don’t the Greeks, Slavs, and Armenians celebrate Thanksgiving?

Because they don’t like Turkey.

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Why do some people not like a Thanksgiving joke about turkeys?

Because of fowl language.

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Why do poets go to the zoo to use the restroom?

So they can poo in the loo at the zoo.

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Why do they lock gas station bathrooms?

Are they afraid someone will clean them?

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Why did the pun fail his English class?

He didn’t use proper pun-ctuation.

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Why did Julius Caesar never say thank you to anyone?

He didn’t speak English.

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Why do eggs like April Fools’ Day?

They love practical yolks.

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Why does Batman hate April Fools’ Day?

Because the Joker might be out!

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Why do scientists suck at pulling pranks on April 1st?

They lack the element of surprise.

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Why do MMA fighters wear skin tight shorts?

Because otherwise, they’d be boxers.

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Why did the accountant do so well in AA?

He was already a friend of bills.

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Why do so many people like to do word puzzles in the bathroom?

Because it’s the best place for a vowel movement.

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Why did the owl ’owl?

Because the woodpecker would peck ’er.

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Why did the wizard’s wife have hickeys on her neck?

Because he was a neck-romancer.

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Why do diabetics always have nightmares?

They can’t have sweet dreams.

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Why did the broken leg go to school?

It wanted to learn how to breakdance.

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Why did Taylor Swift bring a broken leg to her concert?

Because it wanted to experience firsthand the “break-up” songs she’s famous for.

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Why did the flu virus go to the theater?

It heard the play was infectious.

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Why did the flu go to the art exhibit?

It heard there was a lot of culture there.

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Why don’t flu viruses use social media?

They prefer going viral in person.

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Why did the influenza virus break up with its girlfriend?

She was too cold to him.

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Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?

To keep his wig warm.

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Why did the pianist have to be rushed into surgery after his latest performance?

He played his heart out.

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Why did the coyote cross the road?

It was chasing the roadrunner.

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Why did the guy panic and call 911 when he realized an ocean was forming around him?

It was an emergent sea.

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Why did the nun become an archaeologist?

She had a knack for digging up old habits.

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Why do nuns always wear black and white?

No particular reason, it’s just a habit they have.

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Why does it take so long for a nun to get her clothes?

It takes 21 days to make a habit.

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Why did the blue paint cross the road?

To get to the other hue.

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Why do blueberries make bad employees?

They always end up getting the blues.

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Why did the blue-faced man get lost?

He was feeling blue and couldn’t find his way.

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Why do blueberries get along with everyone?

They’re naturally blue-tiful.

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Why did the Smurfs kick Papa Smurf out of their village?

He was giving them all the blues.

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Why did the blue marker shy away from the red marker?

It was a little shy-nero.

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Why did the blue-colored fruit hide?

It was feeling blue.

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Why did the blue paint laugh at the brown paint?

Because he was blue-tiful.

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Why did the bluebird get kicked out of the forest?

Because it was a bird of pray.

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Why did the police officers arrest the blue crayon?

Because it was in the blue.

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Why did the hip bone go to the coffee shop?

Because it needed a little perk-me-up after surgery.

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Why did the orthopedic surgeon bring a radio into surgery?

Because he wanted to tune into the hip-est station.

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Why did the hip surgery patient bring a suit to the hospital?

Because he wanted to be hip and dapper during recovery.

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Why did the planet Uranus join a band?

It wanted to planet self in rhythm.

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Why did Uranus get kicked out of the library?

It was talking too much gas-babble.

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Why did Uranus become a rock star?

Because it’s always surrounded by gas.

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Why did Uranus go on a diet?

Because it wanted to be a little lighter and have that celestial glow!

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Why did the astronaut bring a joke book to Uranus?

To break the space ice.

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Why did the spaceship bring a snack to Uranus?

It wanted to have a gas-tro picnic.

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Why did the meteor break up with Uranus?

It felt like it was crashing and burning.

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Why did the astronaut challenge Uranus to a staring contest?

It wanted to see who had the most gravity.

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Why did the alien bring a gift to Uranus?

It wanted to show its appreciation for the atmosphere.

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Why did the asteroid start a podcast with Uranus?

They wanted to rock the airwaves.

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Why did the moon break up with Uranus?

It wanted someone with a brighter personality.

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Why did the astronaut bring a ladder to Uranus?

To reach for the stars.

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Why did the astronaut go to therapy with Uranus?

It had too many emotional craters.

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Why did the alien invite Uranus to the party?

It knew Uranus would bring the atmosphere.

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Why did the bacon laugh?

Because the egg cracked a yolk!

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Why did the blueberry muffin crumble?

It fell to pieces under pressure!

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Why did the blueberry muffin get a ticket?

It was berry speeding!

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Why did the bat walk in her pajamas to take a bath?

Because she did not have a bat robe.

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Why did the registered nurse tiptoe past the medicine room?

Because she didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.

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Why do registered nurses bring a red crayon to work?

In case, they have to draw blood.

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Why did the registered nurse bring a ladder to work?

To take care of high blood pressure.

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Why did the witch fall off her broom mid-flight?

She had a fainting spell.

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Why did the witch go to the doctor?

She had a dizzy spell.

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Why did the red panda bring a ladder?

It wanted to reach new heights-bear.

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Why did the red panda become an actor?

It had a panda-mic personality.

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Why do driving instructors make good physical therapists?

Because they can teach fine motor skills.

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Why did the pig visit the physical therapist’s clinic?

It pulled a hamstring.

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Why do violists stand for long periods outside people’s houses?

They can’t find the key, and they don’t know when to come in.

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Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

He wanted to get to the bottom.

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Why do toilet paper rolls have trust issues?

They’re always getting ripped off.

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Why did the toilet paper cross the road?

Because it was on a roll.

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Why do trees drop their leaves in the fall?

It’s autumn-atic.

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Why did the Egyptian architect go to jail?

He was caught planning a pyramid scheme.

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Why did the peanut butter and jelly get into a fight?

Because they couldn’t agree on which bread to use.

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Why did the jelly go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling jammed up.

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Why did the peanut butter and jelly break up?

Because they were always spread too thin.

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Why did the jelly break up with the peanut butter?

Because it was too clingy.

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Why did the dog pour nacho cheese over people’s feet?

He wanted Dori-toes.

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Why did the volleyball player bring an extra pair of shoelaces?

Because she wanted to tie the score.

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Why did the Puerto Rican keep looking at his watch at the party?

He was checking how late he was already going to be for the next one.

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Why did Puerto Rico become a state?

Because they couldn’t find enough parking.

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Why did the picture go to jail?

Because it was framed.

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Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey on Thanksgiving?

They couldn’t get the moose in the oven!

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Why did the minion cross the road?

To get to his banana.

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Why did the Minion give Gru two banana skins for his birthday?

Because he asked for a pair of slippers.

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Why did the new Little Mermaid actress have to be someone without any cosmetic enhancements?

Because there is enough plastic in the ocean already.

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Why did the llama win the rap battle?

Because he was good at spitting.

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Why did the llama cross the road?

Because it was the chicken’s day off.

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Why did the circus lion eat the tightrope walker?

He wanted a well-balanced meal.

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Why did the woman with the bad knee go to the mathematician?

Because her knees were giving her problems she couldn’t solve.

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Why did Chuck Norris wear knee pads?

He never liked Bruised Knee.

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Why did the knee specialist turn into a priest?

He wanted to have a mea-knee-ingful life.

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Why did The Joker have to sleep with his lights on?

Because he was afraid of the Dark Knight.

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Why did Jesus deactivate his Instagram account?

Because he only had 12 followers.

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Why did Barty Crouch Jr. quit drinking?

Because it was making him Moody.

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Why did Goofy feel sad for his calendar?

He heard its days were numbered.

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Why did Minnie hang up the phone on Mickey?

She was feeling Goofy at the time.

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Why did the smiley face have hair over its face?

It’s an emo-ji.

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Why did the Smiley moji :-) drop the nose :)?

It was too negative.

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Why did the dragon cross the road?

He wanted to eat some chicken.

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Why did the dolphin go to the dentist?

He had an appointment.

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Why did the developer use a credit card to buy all the gifts?

Becuase he had cleared all his cache.

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Why did the Java developer quit his job?

Because he didn’t get arrays.

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Why did the Java developer teach his young kids about single quotes?

Because they build character.

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Why did the chicken family cross the road?

They thought it was an egg-cellent idea.

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Why did the gum cross the road?

It was stuck to the chicken’s foot.

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Why did the turkey cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t chicken.

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Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?

Because it got run over half-way.

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Why didn’t the roast chicken cross the road?

It didn’t have the guts anymore.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it was trying to escape the gravitational pull of your mother.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

If you saw Chuck Norris coming, you’d have crossed that road too!

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it was free range.

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Why did the chicken stop crossing the road?

It got tired of all the jokes.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

To bock traffic.

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Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?

To stretch her legs.

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Why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road?

It got stuck in a crack.

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Why did the medium cross the road?

To speak to the other side.

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Why do British people love playing chess?

Coz no one can kill their Queen.

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Why did the chef add extra oregano to the sauce?

He was making up for lost thyme.

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Why did Thor sit comfortably on a cactus?

He has an Asgard.

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Why did yogurt hate bacon?

Because he was uncultured.

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Why did the apple stop in the middle of the road?

Because he ran out of juice.

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Why did the house owner not allow the nine ants to enter?

Because they were not ten ants.

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Why did Gen Z’er bring a ladder to the concert?

They wanted to get a better view of the band on their smartphones.

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Why did the Gen Z’er bring a ladder to the library?

To reach the highest shelf for the perfect Instagram shot.

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Why did the Pilgrim kill the turkey?

Because he was in a fowl mood.

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Why did Tarzan spend so much time on the golf course?

He was perfecting his swing.

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Why did everyone plug their nose when the pun master told his joke?

His joke was far too pun-gent.

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Why did the pun fail his English class?

He didn’t use proper pun-ctuation.

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Why did Yoda cross the road?

Because the chickens forced him to.

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Why did Chewbacca get sent back down to play minor league baseball?

He was making too many Wookiee mistakes.

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Why did the watermelon go crazy?

He lost his rind.

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Why did the watermelon have brown spots all over its skin?

It had melonoma.

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Why did Dracula become a vegetarian?

Because his doctor said steaks were bad for his heart.

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Why did the vegetarian cross the road?

Because she was protesting for the chicken.

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Why did the bodybuilder read the dictionary?

He was trying to learn how to define muscle.

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Why did the girl sit on the clock?

She just wanted to be on time.

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Why did the cowboy take hay to bed?

To feed his nightmares.

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Why did everybody think the cowboy was so funny?

Because he was always horsing around.

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Why didn’t the butter take the part in the new movie?

Because it didn’t like the roll it was being offered.

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Why did the nutty kid throw butter out of the window?

He wanted to see a butterfly.

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Why did the monster put the cook in a bowl?

He wanted a chef salad.

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Why did the waitress say when Rick Astley asked to fast track his order of apple pie and vanilla ice cream?

I’m never gonna run around and dessert you.

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Why did the Oreo cookie go to the dentist?

Because he lost his filling.

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Why didn’t the skeleton go see the scary movie?

He didn’t have the guts.

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Why did the werewolf go to the dressing room when he saw the full moon?

He needed to change.

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Why didn’t the zombie go to school?

He felt rotten!

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Why did the skeleton run away?

Because a dog was after his bones.

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Why did Humpty Dumpty love autumn?

Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

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Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?

Because he was out-standing in his field.

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Why did the pumpkin pie go to the doctor?

It was feeling crummy.

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Why did the disgruntled hot dog vendor quit his job?

He just didn’t relish it.

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Why did the hot dog dress up?

It felt a little halloweenie.

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Why did the vegetarian hot dog cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t chicken!

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Why did Spider-Man quit his day job?

He was tired of being a web developer.

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Why did Spider-Man decide to join the swim team?

Because he had webbed feet!

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Why did all the tissue roll in the wall mart not enough for Spider-man?

Because Spider-man was more into flypaper kind of tissue roll.

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Why did Spider-Man flush the toilet?

Because it was his duty!

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Why did America fail to save the world from coronavirus?

Thor is in Asgard.

Iron Man died.

Captain is now old.

Hulk doesn’t have much power.

The rest of the Avengers are suffering from Corona.

And China ate Spider-Man and Batman.

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Why did the man reach the bowling alley before his friends?

To get the ball rolling.

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Why did all the planets give the most attention to the sun?

Because the sun is the center of the universe.

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Why did Pluto have to go to the dentist?

Because he spotted some black holes.

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Why did the cow jump over the Harvest Moon?

Because the farmer had cold hands!

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Why did the robot go on vacation?

He needed to recharge his batteries.

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Why did the alien throw beef on the asteroid?

He wanted it a little meteor!

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Why did the alien go off in his ship?

He needed some space

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Why did the alien think the spaceship was so good?

It was out of this world!

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Why did the blonde buy a brown cow?

To get chocolate milk.

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Why did M&M go to University?

Because he wanted to be a Smartie.

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Why did the donut visit the dentist?

He needed a chocolate filling.

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Why did the candy bar cross the road?

Because he was choco-LATE for the bus!

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Why did the barber keep agreeing to shave the lion’s fur even though it was dangerous?

It was his mane source of income.

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Why did the man help his friends trim their facial hair?

Shearing is caring.

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Why did the unlucky bearded man shave?

Because fortune favors the shave!

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Why did the teen get a grooming kit for his birthday?

It was his shaventeenth birthday.

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Why did the bearded thief shave before robbing a bank?

They wanted to be a smooth criminal.

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Why did the friend who shaved lie about his beard?

He’s a bald-faced liar.

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Why didn’t the barber ask the question about beards?

He was shaving it for later.

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Why did the man intentionally get kicked in the face by a horse?

He wanted a horseshoe mustache.

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Why did the bearded prince marry Rapunzel?

He wanted a hairytale ending.

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Why did the bearded man sue the barber who sneakily shaved off his beard?

He barber-ed a grudge against him.

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Why did the bearded man decline the invitation to a charity event?

It was a fund razor.

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Why did the man who couldn’t grow a beard tape a rabbit to his face?

Then he would get the facial hare he always wanted.

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Why did the bearded man’s shaving product business flop?

Because of the razor-thin margins.

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Why did the astronaut grow a beard in space?

He wanted spacial hair.

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Why did the man maintain his beard to perfection?

If he didn’t, things would get a bit hairy.

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Why did the man named Penny keep shaving his beard?

A Penny shaved is a Penny earned.

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Why didn’t the moon go outside?

Because it was waning.

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Why did the astronaut break up with her boyfriend?

Because she needed some space.

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Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?

To find Pluto.

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Why did the moon burp?

Because it was full!

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Why did the moon get a parking ticket?

They forgot to pay the parking meteor!

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Why did the daughter start eating donuts?

Because her mother said, “You better eat hole foods.”

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Why did the boy stop eating donuts?

Because he got bored with the hole thing.

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Why did the donut start going to therapy?

It couldn’t get over the feeling that something was missing—it never felt hole!

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Why did Tiger Woods return the donuts?

Because there was a hole-in-one.

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Why did the donut go to the dentist?

To get a filling.

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Why did the baker stop making donuts?

He got tired of the HOLE business.

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Why did the Croissants take the Donuts and Bagels to Disneyland?

They thought it would be fun for the hole family.

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Why did the cops arrest the donut baker?

He was caught pinching the salt.

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Why did the tree install solar panels?

It wanted to be a power plant.

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Why did the sun feel so dizzy?

Because he felt light-headed.

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Why did the sun not go to college?

Because it already has a million degrees!

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Why did the ice cream truck break down?

Because of the rocky road.

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Why did the guy eat a poisonous mushroom?

He thought that any morel would do.

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Why did the mushroom never have a lot of money?

Because he was just too spore.

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Why did the fungi leave the party?

There wasn’t mush-room for dancing.

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Why did the mushroom have to leave her home?

It was growing toxic by the day.

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Why did the Japanese guy get mad and kick the mushroom?

He was sick of all its shii-take.

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Why did the DJ get disqualified from the 400m sprint?

He kept changing tracks.

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Why did the elf put his bed in the fireplace?

Because he wanted to sleep like a log.

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Why did the pirate cross the road?

To get to the second-hand shop.

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Why did the mushroom break up with her boyfriend?

Because he was toxic!

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Why did two women walk into a saloon pointing bananas at people and shouting, “GIVE US YER LOOT”?

They were both blonds.

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Why did the student eat his homework?

Because he didn’t have a dog.

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Why did Johnny take a ruler to bed?

Because he wanted to see how long he slept!

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Why did the boy eat his homework?

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.

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Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in class?

Because the class was so bright!

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Why did the owner name his racehorse “Bad News”?

Because bad news travels fast.

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Why did a dog enter the church in the middle of a religious mass?

Because he was a German shepherd.

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Why didn't the lifeguard save the hippie from drowning in the ocean?

He was just too far out, man.

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Why did Ms. Moon split up with Mr. Sun?

He never wanted to go out with her at night.

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Why did the music teacher go up the ladder during music class?

To reach the high notes.

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Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one.

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Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?

To get another rib.

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Why did Neil Armstrong pee right after he made his first step on the moon?

He wanted to go where no man had gone before.

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Why didn’t the skeleton like the Halloween candy?

He didn’t have the stomach for it!

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Why didn’t Noah ever go fishing?

He only had two worms.

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Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?

Because there was a KFC on the other side.

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Why did the cat like eating lemons?

Because he was a sourpuss.

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