Scientist Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Scientist Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Scientist Jokes

Why do scientists suck at pulling pranks on April 1st?

They lack the element of surprise.

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

How do you know the NASA scientists are wrong to say it is possible to live on Mars?

Some people tried it and now they are 15 kg heavier and diabetic.

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

A scientist is doing experiments on an ant.

He puts the ant on the table and says, β€œWalk, ant, walk!”

The ant walks to the other side of the table.

The man writes in his notepad: The ant with 6 legs walks.

He then proceeds to take one leg off the insect and repeats the same process.

β€œWalk, ant, walk!”

The ant walks slower but reaches the other side of the table.

The scientist writes in his notepad: The ant with 5 legs walks.

After repeating the process 4 more times, he takes off the final leg, puts it on the table, and says, β€œWalk, ant, walk!”

The ant doesn’t move, so he tries again, β€œWalk, ant, walk!”

Again, the ant doesn’t move, so he writes in his notepad: The ant with 0 legs becomes deaf.

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Yo momma so fat when she farts scientists on Tatooine think the star around Coruscant just went supernova.

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Scientists experimented on a rabbit and a bug, guess what they get?

A bugs bunny.

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August 20, 2020:

Scientists have discovered a β€œmystery object” in space. The object is equal to 2.6 solar masses.

March 1, 2021 (Update):

Scientists have determined that the β€œmystery object” is made up of unmatched socks.

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

Scientists say they may be able to synthesize a completely clean biofuel using the enzymes in finely shredded fungi, such as mushrooms...

Some critics have questioned the ethics of the process, but admit they are comforted by the researchers’ strong morel fiber.

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Your mama so hot scientists deemed her the leading cause of global warming.

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Two scientists walk into a bar.

One says, β€œI’ll have an H2O please.”

πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

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