Jokes With Santa-Banta

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Santa-Banta Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Santa-Banta Jokes

The teacher told all students to write an essay on a cricket match.

All were busy writing, except Santa.

He wrote:ย Due To Rain, No Match.

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Santa:ย โ€œIโ€™m going to watch Mission Impossible tonight.โ€

Banta:ย โ€œOn cable or at theater?โ€

Santa:ย โ€œNot the film, my wife bought slim fit jeans, and she is going to try it.โ€

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Santa had a leakage in the roof over his dining room.

Plumber asked:ย โ€œSir, when did u notice it ?โ€

Santa:ย โ€œLast night when it took me 3 hours to finish my soup.โ€

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Santa and Banta are walking on a road, and they find a 1000 rupee note lying down.

Santa: โ€œWhat should we do now?โ€

Banta: โ€œWeโ€™ll take 50:50.โ€

Santa: โ€œWhat about the remaining 900?โ€

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100-meter race.

Referee: โ€œ1,2,3, GO!โ€

Everybody started running except Santa.

Referee: โ€œWhy are you not running?โ€

Santa: โ€œMy number is 4.โ€

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Santaย calls the Help Desk to complain to a computer problem.

Santa: โ€œWhen I type computer password, it just shows star star star star. Whatโ€™s the problem?โ€

Help Desk: โ€œDear Santa, those stars are to protect you, so that if a person is standing behind, he canโ€™t read your password.โ€

Santa: โ€œYeah, but stars appear even when there is no one standing behind me!โ€

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How do you identify a Santa in a classroom?

It is simple, check whoโ€™s erasing his notes when the teacher is cleaning the board.

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Santa was drawing money from an ATM.

A person, who was just behind him in the line, said, โ€œHa, ha, haaa! Iโ€™ve seen your password. Itโ€™s 4 asterisks.โ€

Santa replies, โ€œHa, ha, ha! You are wrong. Itโ€™s 1258.โ€

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