Mushroom Puns

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Mushroom Puns. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Mushroom Puns

Why did the guy eat a poisonous mushroom?

He thought that any morel would do.

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Why did the mushroom never have a lot of money?

Because he was just too spore.

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The reason the girl hated mushrooms is because they were too mushy.

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During the contribution’s session, the mushroom family never gave a lot. They were just two spore.

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When darkness sets in, fungi much like many other organisms go to sleep, but in mush-rooms.

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I have so mush-room in my heart for you.

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How do you wish a mushroom a happy birthday?

Happy birthday to a real fungi!

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Who would be the best food to hang out with, a strawberry, a banana or a mushroom?

A mushroom of course, because he’s a fun-gi.

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He may have been a fun-gi, but he sure did have questionable morels.

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Unfortunately, many mushroom puns are in spore taste.

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Why doesn’t the word β€œmushroom” make a good computer password?

It’s not stroganoff.

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When do mushrooms retire?

When they get too mold.

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Why couldn’t the mushroom get into the club?

He wasn’t mold enough.

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How do you tell poisonous mushrooms apart from edible ones?

You give them to someone else to eat first.

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Which vegetables go best with jacket potatoes?

Button mushrooms.

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I went to the mycologists’ convention, but there was too much shii-take.

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What room has no doors, walls, or floor?

A mushroom.

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I started growing fungi in my garden, but failed miserably.

I guess there is mush-room for improvement.

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Why do toadstools grow so close together?

They don’t need mush-room.

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What do you call a picture of a mushroom with no arms, legs or head?

A stalk photo.

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Why don’t fairies live under toadstools?

Because there’s no mush-room.

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What happened to the fungi who moved into a New York apartment?

He didn’t have mush-room.

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Two leprechauns are in the forest and one starts eating mushrooms, so the other one says to him, β€œAre you having fun, Gus?”

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A mushroom walks up to a tomato and asks him out on a date.

As the evening wears on, the tomato is just sitting there, not saying much and looking miserable.

β€œWhat’s wrong?” the mushroom says. β€œAren’t you enjoying yourself?”

β€œI guess I’m just not a fun-gi,” says the tomato.

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Personally, I think you should start the day off with a meal of French mushrooms... breakfast of champignons.

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What kind of vehicle does a mushroom drive?

A spores car!

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Why did the fungi leave the party?

There wasn’t mush-room for dancing.

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What’s the only room in your house you can’t go into?

A mushroom.

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What’s the world’s biggest mushroom competition?

The champignon’s league.

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How much room does a fungi need to grow?

As mush-room as possible.

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What did the mushroom say as he fell off a cliff?

β€œHelp! I’m in truffle!”

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What do you get if a frog eats a mushroom?

A toadstool.

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What sort of room can you eat?

A mushroom.

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Why does the fungus always win the argument?

Because they don’t leave mush-rooms for debate.

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What did the teacher say about the student’s attempt at making pizza?

There’s so mush-room for improvement.

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Why does Mario prefer to hang out with Toad more than Luigi?

Because he’s a fun-gi.

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What do you call a mushroom that has nothing nice to say?

A shii-talkin mushroom.

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What does a mushroom sit on?

A toadstool.

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Why are mushroom children so good?

They don’t want to get in truffle.

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What room can no one enter?

A mushroom.

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What happens when one fungi marries another fungi?

They become fungus!

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I had this long fungi joke, but I don’t have enough shroom to type it.

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What type of mushrooms are the worst to have as friends?


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What’s the difference between stormtroopers having a party and mushrooms being picked?

One’s bad guys having a fun time and the other one’s fungi having a bad time!

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I tried to post my opinion on mushrooms.

But it was a shii-take!

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My stomach doesn’t tolerate mushrooms.

They really give me a shii-take.

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What do you call when you mix brandy, shiitake mushrooms, rat poison and a dash of vanilla essence?

The ambulance.

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Did you hear about the mushroom hunter who was terrible at finding edible mushrooms, so would resort to stealing them from the baskets of other hunters?

He had no morel compass.

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Mushrooms are the most virtuous of fungi...

they have the best morels.

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Why is it not worth it to hunt for mushrooms?

It’s too much truffle.

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Whilst holidaying in France I saw a group of mushrooms performing Queen covers.

I said, β€œYou’re brilliant, what’s the band called?”

They replied, β€œWe are the Champignons, my friend.”

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I met this dude once who was really into mushrooms.

He was a real fun-gi.

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Why are mushrooms popular at parties?

Because everyone loves a fun-gi.

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Make sure to always be careful when eating mushrooms.

If you eat the wrong one you could be in truffle.

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Fourteen mushrooms were sitting at a lunch table. One more asked to join.

One of them said, β€œSorry there is not mush-room.”

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So a mushroom walks into a bar.

The bartender says, β€œWe don’t serve mushrooms here. You’re always ruining jokes.”

The mushroom says, β€œCome on. I’m a fun-gi.”

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My friend had mushrooms during the party.

Now he’s a fun-gi.

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Scientists say they may be able to synthesize a completely clean biofuel using the enzymes in finely shredded fungi, such as mushrooms...

Some critics have questioned the ethics of the process, but admit they are comforted by the researchers’ strong morel fiber.

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What do you get when a giant steps on a house?


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What do you call a lady who enjoys mushrooms?

A fun-gal.

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β€œYou know, I think it’s your turn to pick wild mushrooms.” My girlfriend said.

So I gather.

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Why do fungi have to pay extra on the bus?

Because they take up too mush-room.

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Why did the mushroom have to leave her home?

It was growing toxic by the day.

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Where do mushrooms hang out on Saturday night?

The salad bar.

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What does a polite mushroom say?

β€œThank you very mush!”

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What did the fungi say when he was offered seconds at dinner?

β€œNo thanks. I don’t have mush-room left in my stomach.”

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What do you call a mushroom that goes into a bar and buys drinks for everyone all night long?

Fun-gi to be around!

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Why does the mushroom always get invited to birthday parties?

He’s a fun-gi.

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Not to be Mushy but since it is your birthday I just want to say: I think you are the most Fungiing awesome mom, you are cute as a Button, you put in the fun in Fungus, you have always been there for Morel support, and you are like a Truffleβ€”hard to find and incredibly valuable.

You are the Champion of Moms! I mean I turned out alright, not to toot my own Trumpet.

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Two mushrooms were talking about politics.

One mushroom said, β€œI think that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.”

The other said, β€œThat’s a shiitake.”

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Why don’t mushrooms always get along?

They like to shii-take others.

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What kind of food says mean things about you behind your back?

Shiitake mushrooms.

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What kind of mushroom gets beat up the most?

A shiitake mushroom.

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Why did the Japanese guy get mad and kick the mushroom?

He was sick of all its shii-take.

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I’ve been superglued mushrooms all over my body.

My wife says it’s not right, but I’m sticking to my morels.

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I can’t stop my mushroom from leaning.

I think I need some morel support.

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Most of my group wanted to go mushroom hunting.

I call them the morel majority.

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There was a mushroom on the first floor of my house.

Morel of the storey.

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I don’t trust people who don’t like mushrooms.

Clearly, they are of low morel fiber.

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Why are books about mushrooms so confusing?

They have too many different morels.

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A man was deathly allergic to mushrooms.

After a huge fight, his wife cooked a mushroom into his dinner. He ate it and died.

The morel of the story... killed him.

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What is blue and lies under a mushroom?

Smurf poop.

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Don’t walk through a field of mushrooms.

It’s quite a tripping hazard.

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Why did the mushroom break up with her boyfriend?

Because he was toxic!

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