Hunting Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Hunting Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Hunting Jokes

What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day?

“Quack! Quack!”

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Two hunters were out hunting in the woods when one of them collapsed.

The other hunter whipped out his phone and dialed 911.

The hunter tells the operator that he thinks his friend is dead.

The operator calms down the hunter and tells him to make sure he’s dead.

There was a brief pause and all of a sudden a gunshot could be heard.

“Okay, he’s definitely dead. What next?” asks the hunter.

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A ranger was assigned the task of hunting buffalo. He hired an aboriginal scout to assist him. They set out on their expedition to find buffalo.

After a while, the scout dismounts, places his ear to the ground, and says, “Humm, buffalo come.”

The ranger looks around with his binoculars but sees nothing.

“I see nothing,” he says to the scout, “how do you know buffalo are coming?”

“Ear sticky,” says the scout.

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Two hunters hired a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose.They bagged six.

As they started loading the plane for the return trip home, the pilot tells them the plane can take only three moose.

The two hunters objected strongly, stating, “Last year we shot six moose and the pilot let us put them all on board and he had the same plane as yours.”

Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all six were loaded.

Unfortunately, even on full power, the little plane couldn’t handle the load and went down a few minutes after take off.

Climbing out of the wreck, one hunter asked the other, “Any idea where we are?”

He replied, “I think we’re pretty close to where we crashed last year.”

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A hunter shoots a flying goose one day.

Proud of his hit he walks to fetch it only to see a farmer waiting for him, holding the goose.

“Sorry sir, this goose is mine. I shot it,” explains the hunter.

The farmer replies with a smirk, “But it landed on my property, so it’s mine.”

“Excuse me? You can’t just take what’s mine! Hand it over, right now!” The hunter is clearly angry.

The farmer’s grin gets bigger.

“Alright alright,” the farmer says calmingly. “Let’s settle this with a simple game we use around here to resolve an argument. The winner will keep the goose. The rules are simple. I’ll kick you in the nuts and see how much time it takes you to recover. Then you’ll do the same to me. Whoever recovers faster is the winner.”

The hunter, provoked and angry, agrees immediately.

The two get ready, the farmer kicks first. He takes a full swing and hits the hunter right between the legs.

The hunter nearly blacks out. A moment passes before he screams in agonizing pain, holding his crotch. His knees give in and he falls face-first onto the ground.

Time passes and the hunter does his best to endure the pain and get back up.

Eventually, still in pain, the hunter gets back onto his feet.

With teary eyes and a sore throat he says, “Now it’s my turn!”

The farmer looks at him smiling, shakes his head and goes, “Nah, man, It’s fine, you can have it. Here’s the goose, I didn’t want it anyway,” and walks off, laughing out loud.

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On the way home from a hunt, a hunter stops by the grocery store.

“Give me a couple of steaks,” he says.

“We’re out of steaks, but we have hot dogs and chicken,” says the butcher.

“Hot dogs and chicken?!” yells the hunter. “How can I tell my wife I bagged a couple of hot dogs and chickens?!”

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Today, a guy put a gun to my head and demanded a coconut-filled chocolate bar.

I hate Bounty Hunters.

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Two men went bear hunting.

While one stayed in the cabin, the other went out looking for a bear.

He soon found a huge bear, shot at it but only wounded it.

The enraged bear charged toward him, he dropped his rifle and started running for the cabin as fast as he could.

He ran pretty fast but the bear was just a little faster and gained on him with every step.

Just as he reached the open cabin door, he tripped and fell flat.

Too close behind to stop, the bear tripped over him and went rolling into the cabin.

The man jumped up, closed the cabin door and yelled to his friend inside, “You skin this one while I go and get another one!”

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Three guys are in the woods: a really smart guy, an average and a really dumb guy.

They are bored so the smart guy decides to go hunting.

A little while later he comes back with a deer.

The average guy asks, “How did you do that?”

The really smart guy says, “I see deer tracks, I follow deer tracks, I see deer and I shoot deer.”

The average guy says, “I think I understand,” and leaves.

A little bit later he comes back with a raccoon.

He really dumb goes gasp, “How did you do that!?”

And the average looks at him funny and says, “Well I see raccoon tracks, I follow raccoon tracks, I see raccoon and I shoot raccoon.

The super dumb guy thinks for a second and says, “Oooohh ok, I think I can do that…,” and leaves.

Hours pass and the guy finally returns hurt, bloody and horribly mingled. They run to help him.

Finally one of the guys asked him what happened.

This is what he said, “I see train tracks, I follow train tracks, I see train and I shoot train, but train keeps coming.

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A man hunts a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner.

Both he and his wife decide that they’ll play a game with the kids. They’ll give them a clue and get them to guess what it is.

At mealtime, the kids are eager to know what the meat is on their plates, so they beg their dad for the clue.

“Well,” he says, “it’s what mommy calls me sometimes”.

The little girl screams, “Don’t eat it! It’s an asshole!”

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