Bomber Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Bomber Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Bomber Jokes

My father was an Allied war hero. He single-handedly destroyed 4 Messerschmitts, 9 Heinkel bombers, and 11 Stuka dive bombers.

He was the worst mechanic the Luftwaffe ever had.

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What is the common thing between an entrepreneur and a suicide bomber?

Do the job well on the first try and they are set for life.

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How do you call a suicide bomber with Tourette’s?

A ticking time bomb.

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How do you know all suicide bombers self identify as being old?

They are all boomers in the end.

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Why are jokes about suicide bombers are not funny.

Well for starters, their delivery is just everywhere.

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Did you hear about the influencer who became a suicide bomber?

At first he had barely any followers, but then he blew up.

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What do you call a suicide bomber that can tell the future?

A tarot-ist.

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An F-15 pilot was assigned to escort an aged B-52 Bomber

Being a bit bored he started executing loops and rolls, never worried about being able to catch up to his lumbering charge.

He got on the radio to boast to the BUFF pilot, β€œHa! Anything you can do, I can do better!”

The bomber pilot replies, β€œOh, yeah? Let’s see you do this!” and keeps flying straight and level.

The fighter jock asks, β€œUm... What did you do?”

The B-52 pilot says, β€œI just shut down two engines.”

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What’s suicide bombers’ biggest fear?

Dying alone.

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A suicide bomber instructor says to his trainees, β€œAlright men, I’m only going to show you this once”.

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Where do suicide bombers go after they die?


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