Asia Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Asia Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Asia Jokes

What is the best way to avoid Asian flu?

Have a Phu shot.

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A guy is sitting in a bar and turns to the Asian guy next to him and asks, β€œHey, do you know Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Kung Fu or anything like that?”

Offended, the Asian man replies, β€œWhat you think that just because I’m Asian, I know martial arts?”

The man replies, β€œNah, it’s because you’re drinking my damn bourbon!”

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I just couldn’t decide which Asian takeout food I like the best, Japanese or Chinese.

I ended up calling it a Thai.

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Around 80% of all Asians who move to America get cataracts.

The remaining 20% usually buy chevrorets, rexus or rincoln. Some even get rand lover.

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I had a race with an Asian today.

It was a Thai.

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I once thought I had a japanese friend.

But it was just my imagine Asian.

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My boss fired me for making too many Asian jokes.

It was the end of my Korea.

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How do you make a Chinese man no longer Asian?

Just spin him around in circles until he’s disoriented.

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My friend that only dates Asian girls just started dating his ex-girlfriend again.

And I don’t know if I should tell him.

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What do you call a Chinese lobster?

A crust-asian.

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