Alabama Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Alabama Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Alabama Jokes

Why can’t you take a picture with a cat in Alabama?

You can’t take a picture with a cat anywhere. You have to use a camera!

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How long does it take to get from Louisiana to Alabama?

One Mississippi.

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It was recently announced that a franchise was building a new Taco Bell in Tuscaloosa.

The university responsed, β€œWhy do we need another phone company?”

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Why do Troy State students have such beautiful noses?

They’re hand picked.

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Why do ducks fly over Alabama upside down?

There’s nothing worth craping on.

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What’s the best road sign in Auburn?

Tuscaloosa 120 miles.

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Why is Auburn always in the dark?

Because they’re afraid of Alabama Power.

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Did you hear about the $4,000,000 Alabama State Lottery?

The winner gets $4 a year for a million years.

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How does a man from Alabama hold up his pants?

With a bible belt.

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I just told my crush that I’m in love with her. She said that she sees me as her brother.

I’m just lucky she is from Alabama.

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