Air Conditioning Jokes

Enjoy our team's carefully selected Air Conditioning Jokes. Laugh yourself and share the funniest jokes with your friends!

Air Conditioning Jokes

What did the electrician use to moisturize his hair?

Air conditioner.

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β€œHow long has your unit been broken?” says the specialist.

β€œTwo weeks,” says the customer.

β€œWhy did you wait so long?” says the specialist. This hot weather is no joke.”

β€œMy in-laws were here,” said the customer. β€œThey wanted to stay for a month.”

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A man went viral after making a TikTok video describing how to keep cool without any air conditioning.

He has a lot of fans.

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What similarities do air conditioners have with humans?

Just one, both get turned on when it’s hot.

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What do nuns call prison air conditioning?

A convent.

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Why was the HVAC guy fired?

Management was uncool about his performance.

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What is the propeller used for on an airplane?

Many people do not know this, but is actually for air conditioning.

If you ever get to see it when the propeller stops, the pilot suddenly starts sweating.

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What do you call a spaceship with a faulty air conditioning unit?

A frying saucer!

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Yo mama so poor she waves around a Popsicle and calls it air conditioning.

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Everyone during the summer tries to make sure they have an air conditioner.

But no one has any air shampoo.

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